
UrbanPromise - Engineering, Surveying, Planning

27 North 36th Street
Camden, New Jersey

Certain projects are memorable long after the last stake is pulled or permit signed. That is the case with the revitalization of the UrbanPromise Spirit Building and the $2 million renovation project in East Camden which resulted in providing a new cafeteria, gymnasium, computer center, and classrooms for the organization’s schools and after-school programs. Working hand in hand with UrbanPromise leadership and other partners, Stout & Caldwell was engaged to provide various civil engineering, surveying and planning services for the rehabilitation of the existing multi-story 17,980 square foot building. Specifically, the firm developed a minor site plan and performed boundary, topographic and utilities surveys, flood zone classification and other services, which were used to complete permitting and present planning board testimony. The now completed project helps youth of all ages and fosters the UrbanPromise mission. READ MORE

Project Details

Site Size 0.5 Acres
Project Services: Minor Site Plan, Boundary Survey, Topographic Survey, Utilities Survey, AutoCAD Services, Flood Zone Classification, Landscape Design & Management, Permitting, Planning Board Testimony

Community impact

  • Create a safe, fun, and healthy space in which youth can learn and develop
  • Draw focus to the mural façade, which communicates the UrbanPromise dedication to the city of Camden, its faith and future hopes
  • Provide after-school programs, summer camps, two schools, experiential learning, job training, and a host of other programs
  • Equip children and young adults with the skills necessary for academic achievement, life management, spiritual growth, and Christian leadership

Stout & Caldwell has joined the PS&S team.
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