Cinnaminson Car Wash – Civil Engineering, Surveying, Planning

2603 Route 130 South
Cinnaminson, New Jersey

As one of three current projects with a regional land developer, Stout & Caldwell provide comprehensive civil engineering, surveying and planning services in the development of a new car wash located on the highly traveled Route 130 South in Cinnaminson. Specific services included various environmental analyses and testing as well as boundary and topographic surveys, auto-turn analysis, permitting and planning board testimony. The firm also worked closely with Shropshire Traffic Engineers to provide traffic engineering services. Located on more than 2.0 acres, the new car wash will bring new jobs and business tax income to the region. READ MORE

Project Details

Site Size 2.3 Acres
Project Services: Boundary Survey, Topographic Survey, Phase I Environmental, Conceptual Design, Storm Water Analysis and Testing, Site Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Auto Turn Analysis, Permitting, Planning Board Testimony

Community impact

  • Redevelopment and use of vacant land
  • Create new jobs to the area
  • Increase taxable business income with the community

Stout & Caldwell has joined the PS&S team.
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